We have shortlisted a list of possible ethnicities for our boss character and have profiled the pros of using these different ethnicities:
Italian comes across as rich and wealthy
Spanish comes across as a fighting character who Is rich
British comes across as a behind the scenes person who, gets other people to do his dirty work
French comes across as smart and intelligent.
The reason for this is because each culture has different types of bosses in this situation which can approach the audience differently with a different aspect of being a Mob Boss due to changes throughout different ethnicities. however we have decided to edge towards the italian aspect due to inspiration from previous films such as The Godfather.
Women is wealthy works for the boss: The Woman will be wearing a skirt and blazer in order to show that she is a professional and that she doesn't take any shit. This will be represented to show the kind of person that she works for because if she dresses like this then the Boss must take it very seriously, highlighting the importance of the Job and the severity of the repercussions he will face if he fails in his task.
Other actors which are the three men, will all be dressed in casual wear to blend in with the public, so that the main character doesn't know who is following him.
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